

Emery's first word was "Shoes." She kind of says it without the "oe" and makes it sound like half a syllable. She loves to put our shoes on and doesn't make it very far. She always makes sure all of us have shoes on. Pretty cute!I just love this picture - Kevin plays the piano in the primary and was practicing when Emery crawled up next to him to help.


Hafen girls story club said...

Hi Kevin and Erin,
We just found your blog, and it is awesome! What a cute little girl Emery is... Lydia saw her and got all excited. We're excited for you guys and your new addition, kids are the best!

Emily G said...

Holy cow, Erin!! I can't believe how old Emery is!!! I haven't seen you in ages, but I'm glad I can stalk you here...... Your family is beautiful! (this is your old roommie Emily)

Sharon said...

Both of these pictures are priceless!

Lolo said...

YAY! Erin! I found you. I have been thinking about you and I knew you had to have a blog somewhere. This is Lori. I miss you. Your family is adorable!!! I can't wait to catch up. Here's my blog:

email me:

Love you,

Critchfield fam said...

Yay for having another girl! Emery is soooooooo cute! I can't wait for Kailee to be her age! and to have her hair length!