My Mom made this quilt for Jane. She is amazing and we love it! It looks so good in her room over the crib
This is a shelf that I painted to go in her room - I think her blessing dress looks so cute hanging from the hook.
Kristy (Kevin's sister) has been helping design some things for us. She is an Interior Designer and was gracious enough to share her talents with us. She designed this wall and painted the sign you can see in the background (the unfinished family room part). She is AMAZING!
Grandpa Barnes made this box for me and I painted it to match the plaques on the kitchen wall...I still need some cute greenery to go in it. He's amazing too!
This is a shot of the front living room wall - my friend Monique has a Cricket and she helped me print out the vinyl lettering. Heather helped me pick out the curtains.
As you can see, I can't really do anything by's hard to trust my own judgement sometimes. Thanks again for all your help everyone!