
My Problem

Conversation with Emery while getting ready for bed the other night:

Emery:  "Mom, I don't want to wear pull-ups to bed anymore."

Me:  "Well, we just changed your sheets yesterday 'cause you had an accident wearing underwear to bed.  I think you should wear pull-ups for a few more days and show me that you can keep them dry.  Then we can try underwear again."

Emery: (with a scowl and a scolding pointed finger) "No.  This is your problem Mom. Not mine!"



Jade said...

Hahaha! I love it. She has a point, you know. Maybe you should tell her that for every extra load of laundry she makes you do now, she'll have to do that many loads for you when she's a teenager. Sure, it won't help her not make the messes now, but then you can get payback in about 10 years.

Jodi said...

She's so funny Erin! I guess she told you. So how are you going to take care of your problem? Lol

Megan said...

Oh my what a tude :). My little girl is the same and most days I can't take it which is why I think God blessed me with another boy.

Megan said...

HA HA HA! That's awesome! You're kids are soo cute Erin!