
Tag - You're It!

Ok, so I've been tagged...a couple of times. When it first happened I thought, "How fun! I'll do it later." Now it's happened again and I like the version where you write about certain things - I don't think I could come up with 6 or 7 things that you don't already know about me or that I could even think to write about. So here it goes...

Jobs I have had:

1. "The Can Man" - 6th grade. Yes, my mom made an aluminum can costume for me to wear to go into elementary school classrooms and encourage the kids to bring canned food in for donations. No one knew it was me until someone in my class asked me to give them a thumbs up - they noticed my thumb bent back unusually far - same as "The Can Man"! (It probably didn't help that I always left class when "The Can Man" showed up.) The costume was quite ingenious. Silver, shimmery fabric was draped around two hula-hoops with a piece of cardboard for the top. I could see out, but no one could see in. My mom always got me roped into things like that - look out Emery! It will probably happen to you too!

2. To list the less exciting: Dairy Queen, Smoothie Shop, Hoffman Cleaners, Tanner Clinic, Western Watts Research, Colonial House RA, Dentist office reception, Substitute Teacher, Cleaning lady, Department of Mechanical Engineering Secretary, Missionary, 4th Grade Teacher and most recently and most loved, MOM!

Jobs I'd like to have someday:

1. I already got/get to do my two favorite - Teaching and being a Mom
2. I have a secret desire to be a waitress...

Movies I've watched over and over:

1. Lord of the Rings (Kevin and I watch it every year - we're actually in the middle of the series right now.)
2. That Thing You Do
3. Elmo's World - Babies, Dogs and More
4. Disney's Sing-a-long

Some favorite books as of late:

1. Twilight series
2. Because of Winn Dixie
3. Your Pregnancy Week by Week

Favorite things to do:

1. Be with Kevin
2. Tickle Emery
3. Read with Emery
4. Sleep
5. Talk to friends and family
6. Craft

Places I've lived:

1. Provo, UT
2. Boise, ID
3. Rexburg, ID
4. South Weber, UT
5. West Jordan, UT
6. Los Alamos, NM
7. Northern, CA
8. There are others - I was too young to remember them...

Favorite things to eat:

1. Depends how I feel these days, but we had some awesome chicken salad sandwiches last night
2. Usually I'm down for anything greasy - pizza or fries...hmmm, I think I'm hungry!

Places I'd rater be:

1. Disneyland

Words I like the sound of:

1. Facetious
2. Plethora

Who I'm tagging:
I'll do the favor of not making anyone who doesn't want to do it, do it. If you're dying to be tagged - let this be your invitation! It is pretty fun, and introspective!


Megan said...

What were your halloween costumes like?

Mrs. Lundgreen said...

Our halloween costumes this year? There are pictures of them on the blog..below.

shhluke said...

I want to see how big you're getting. C'mon, let the people see!

Unknown said...

That can man story is hilarious!

Kirstin said...

It sounds like growing up in your family was a lot of fun. Wasn't the Stephanie Meyer trilogy interesting/addicting? We had a book club on Twilight and it was an interesting discussion.