

Emery had a wonderful Christmas – Santa brought a  play Kitchen and a Cinderella doll.  Often, she comes to wake me up in the morning and says - “It’s Christmas Mom!  Santa’s coming!”  She cooks stuff everyday in her kitchen and will serve you anything from fries to a piece of lettuce – we think she’s an excellent cook!

Here are a few pictures of her silly shenanigans lately…

domonos1“What’s in your shirt Emery?”

dominos 2Kevin found her one Saturday morning and she had emptied almost the entire can of dominos down her shirt!

I was down working on some laundry and heard a clash upstairs, so I thought I better go check it out…  I found her like this – pineapple sun hat and swimming suit skirt on, eyes covered and my makeup bag and lotion strewn about.

E sink1  E sink 2She often sits in our bathroom sink while I put my make-up on.  She’s like a mechanic’s assistant in that she makes sure I get every item on in order:  “Mascara,” “Check.” “Blush,” “Check.”  It’s pretty hilarious!

Every morning she helps me exercise…


1 comment:

Critchfield fam said...

Emery is so dang adorable. Jane's hair is so cute. Good for you for exercising lots. I've been slacking lately. I need motivation! Isn't it great having girls?!