A couple days ago I found Emery outside with the sun lotion…EVERYWHERE all over the picnic table, the sprinkler and her clothes.
It inspired me to take all of the following pictures:
I wrote in the sun lotion - “Emery was Here”
(She’s smart, but can’t do that yet)
No, this is not some obscure spot on the carpet in the corner of her bedroom…
…It’s in the living room entry way!!
And it’s crayon. And I haven’t gotten it all out yet. And she “claims” she didn’t know she was doing it.
When we told my parents about it, they just laughed, then repeated the story of when I was a child and drew “Erin” smiley faces on the wall and accused my too-little sister of doing it. I also vividly remember using some flower petals to write my name on my Grandma’s porch…duh! Don’t write your own name when defacing someone else’s property!
Emery couldn’t have gotten it from me? Right?