

A couple days ago I found Emery outside with the sun lotion…EVERYWHERE all over the picnic table, the sprinkler and her clothes.

E1 E2

It inspired me to take all of the following pictures:


I wrote in the sun lotion - “Emery was Here”

(She’s smart, but can’t do that yet)

E4 E5

E6 E7




No, this is not some obscure spot on the carpet in the corner of her bedroom…






…It’s in the living room entry way!!


And it’s crayon.  And I haven’t gotten it all out yet. And she “claims” she didn’t know she was doing it.




When we told my parents about it, they just laughed, then repeated the story of when I was a child and drew “Erin” smiley faces on the wall and accused my too-little sister of doing it.  I also vividly remember using some flower petals to write my name on my Grandma’s porch…duh!  Don’t write your own name when defacing someone else’s property!

Emery couldn’t have gotten it from me?  Right?


Megan said...

Erin traditional store bought carpet cleaners typically will make the crayon in your carpet worse. (We learned the hard way). Your situation might be slightly different as your crayon isn't melted into the carpet but I would think its about the same.

The only thing that worked for us was hiring a professional carpet cleaner. Don't get an advertised guy to help get one that only gets business via word of mouth.

Becky Martineau said...

I love the Washable crayons, they have come out of everything that has been colored on - very easy from the walls and windows. We also use the Color Wonder markers and paints - they only mark on the special paper. It all costs a little more than traditional crayons, markers or paints, but it's better than replacing furniture or carpet. Bathtub crayons are also great for the prolific artist - let her get her fill of coloring while playing in the tub. Good Luck with your carpet.

Lia said...

Oh, Erin.....Yikes! Such little joys can make such frustrating messes! I learned the hard way...now Larkin can only have ANY writing utensil for a very short constantly supervised time. Good luck!

Alan Anderson said...

Oh dear. Such a great artist - just not the right canvas. Mr. Clean Magic eraser does wonderful on the painted surfaces. Every time my nephew comes over I have to hide all writing utensils as well - he is also a budding artist.

Jodi said...

Just buy a bunch of picture frames, and frame it! Well, maybe not on the living room floor. . .

Doyle Family said...

Nice! I love it when they find the crayons when you're not watching. It looks beautiful!

Misty said...

Supposedly Santa wrote on our wall one time. Luckily it was a part we were getting in the process of painting. I would have to say "Like mother, like daughter!" Sign her up for an art class this summer!

erica said...

the things we do as a child somehow come back to haunt us. I oil painted in my mothers closet. I played with a dead bird. I kicked in a basement window. I stepped on a nail and impaled my foot. I put my front teeth through my lip - stitches. Just think of all the things you did...that's what we have to look forward to. I just know our parents are giggling inside.

Anonymous said...

haha wow. I had no idea Emery was a little bit of a rebel. I had my days of writing on walls too erin, I kicked the habit and hopefully emery will too!

Peterson Family said...

Not sure if you have solved your crayon problem on the carpet, but I do know a trick from a professional carpet cleaner. Put a paper towel or rag over the crayon spot and then put a warm iron over it. The iron melts the crayon and the towel sucks it right up. Oh, how I do not miss the white carpet in that house.