
Invitation - Journal of a Craft Addict

So, my last post, among many other things have inspired me to start a new crafting blog.  It's called "Journal of a Craft Addict" and you can find it here: http://www.journalofacraftaddict.blogspot.com/ I'm hoping to catalog my many different and sometimes crazy crafting projects and ideas. 

This blog will continue to be a place  you can find our family updates.  Hope to see you in both places sometimes!  Thanks for all 7 of my faithful readers :)  I love you guys!


Dawn said...

Hey, you should make the star I made last year. It is under my blog in Sept 2008. I wish I had time to do a craft. I have been trying to make the beaded watch bands. I am trying to pay off our primary childrens bill. Lane has to have surgery soon, so we will have another bill. I enjoy your crafts! I bet your house is so cute for the holidays.

shhluke said...

I'm excited to see all of your fun crafts even though I have to try every one i see. Yeahh for crafting!