

I had to stop doing the dishes and write this now.  Just some new thoughts I’ve been feeling and thinking…

We had the opportunity to attend the wedding of my 30 year old cousin (the “30” is significant, or else I wouldn’t put it in).  The great girl he married (also 30-ish) had a table full of past roommates and good friends at their wedding dinner – most of them unmarried.  As they introduced this rather classy table, I was hit with a little jealousy.  “Janet is a personal trainer, Barbara teaches elementary school in DC, Kathy works at a very prestigious law firm, Nancy works for the CIA and Margaret is a rocket scientist for NASA.” (OK, so honestly I can only remember that the first two are real, but you get the picture.)  I was just in awe of their accomplishments and fame.  I wanted what they had…till I remembered that what I have is all they want.  It was very humbling and brought me back to reality.

I love that my DVR is FULL of “Little Einstein's”  and “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”.    I love that my dishwasher is FULL of Ikea plastic-wear.  I love that every surface in my home is FULL of sticky finger prints.  I love that my days are FULL of entertaining phrases and hilarious bouts of curiosity (like Jane bringing me a dead fly between her two little fingers – she was so proud of herself!!:) I love that my extra room is FULL of good kids books and lots and lots of used toys.   I love that without these two


in my life, no matter how successful I might be, my life would definitely not be FULL. 

For lack of a better phrase, I am “seriously so blessed!”


Dawn said...

I have those days too, where I wish could just work or go on a walk or just do one thing for myself, until I realize I would rather be here being the mom. It is rather rewarding I think.

Lolo said...

Good Post, Erin. I feel the same way sometimes, but I agree, we have what will truly bring us the most happiness. :) I am excited for you! I hope you are feeling well. I miss you!

Marquardson Family said...

Thanks for this post Erin, I just loved it. And I needed to hear it too! :)