
Wedding and more Jane

8 days after Jane was born, Ryan (Kevin's brother) married Julie Talyor in the Salt Lake Temple. I had been looking forward to the sweet occassion and had prayed that Jane would come soon enough that I could go. I was able to attend, thanks to my family for watching Emery and Katie and Megan for watching Jane during the ceremony. It was such a beatiful day. The wedding was held at 8:40 in the morning, so pictures afterwards behind the temple in the shade were just perfect! The flowers were in full-bloom (perfectly characteristic of the temple grounds) and there was not a cloud in the sky. We were so glad we could be a part of their perfect day. Congratulations Ryan and Julie!

We like to take flower shots on the wedding day to help the couple remember how beautiful it was:

Julie's family went all out for the reception and they had a lady in their ward make red dresses for all the nieces. Jane wasn't going to get one, just 'cause she was so small. Then the seamstress heard there was going to be a brand-new baby there - she used the left over material and made Jane a dress! YAY! It was so cute! The colors in Jane's pictures are great - wish she had been happy...can you blame her? On the grass at 8 days old? What were her parents' thinking?

It was hard to get a smile from Emery too. I hope the photographer got a good one...

Jane getting progressively more upset...

Man, it's hard to get everyone to smile. And we only have 2 kids!

I've also been needing to add more pictures of Jane and we've been trying to keep up a similar pace of taking pictures of her as we did for Emery...almost impossible! You always hear that after the first baby there aren't near as many pictures of the other kids. It's a sad, true fact. Here are a few any way...


Megan said...

The last pic of Jane is very very precious. I think babies look so pretty in Red.

Linda said...

I love the dresses. You will have to get the girls pictures together. Emery and Jane are beautiful! :)

Kirstin said...

Your family is adorable. I'm glad you were able to go to the wedding. It sounds like it was a great event for them. Jane is such a cutie, too. I've totally heard the same thing about pictures with the younger children. Sad!

Dawn said...

Those dresses were so cute. You should save them for a keepsake. My mom made Amee and I matching dresses and we still have them. Jane is so cute. I cant believe all the hair and blonde, its amazing. I took a picture of the ultrasound with my digital camera and then put them on the computer. Hadley doesnt smile for the camera. It takes a lot of work to get a picture of her. I wouldnt worry too much, you can use the sad pictures when there older!!!

Anonymous said...

The red dresses are great! Jane has some rockin' hair.

Lindsay said...

You look GREAT and Emery and Jane's dresses are so cute. I feel like such a jerk I promise I'll call you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

erin, your babies are adorable. you're adorable. i miss you.

Lolo said...

Jane is sooo pretty. I love her. I hope you are recovering well. Life with two was a huge adjustment for me.

Emily G said...

Actually, I prefer Emery's pouty face on the swing...that is GORGEOUS. She looks adorable, Rin. Your babies are too cute.

Critchfield fam said...

Your daughters are just beautiful. You make such a pretty family!

Unknown said...

She is beautiful still! It was so fun to have you come over the other day and to chat! I hope we can do it more often, since you live so close and when this baby eventually comes!

Sure love ya