
Silly Sisters

Well, I guess we don't know how silly Jane is yet, but she started smiling at us at about 5 weeks. We thought that was early considering it took Emery over 2 months and even then, they were a little half-hearted. Jane smiles all the time and I thought I'd post some pictures to prove it! Also below you'll find some great takes of Emery and Jane together!

On the couch:

Jane's Smiles (2 month birthday):

"Just the two of us":

Emery and her noodles - she "just can't get enough" (I hope you're all singing now:)


Kourtne said...

These pics have been so fun to see! Will's going to beg to look at them over and over again. I can't get over Jane's smiles.

Janie said...

Her smiles are so great! I love the way her whole face lights up with those big grins!