
8 or maybe 10...

So last Saturday Sonia and I drove to the Jordan River Parkway parking lot at 7800 S in West Jordan and got out to run our 8 miles for the day. We ran and ran and ran clear to 4500 S and back. Towards the end of our "8" miles we started feeling really tired and almost dead so we walked about the last half a mile. We had run 6 1/2 before and couldn't believe how much harder 8 felt...

Later that night Sonia called and said she had miscalculated. I thought, "Oh, great. We didn't even go 8?!" No. We went 10. 10 MILES! The last time I ever walked 10 miles was on the Pioneer Trek and that took all day! I'm so glad to say that we weren't sore for nothing - 10 miles is really a long way. So glad we had each other;)


erica said...

WOW...the longest I've ever run is like 4-5 miles. you're amazing. How are your shoes? are they still wearing in that one strange place? what is your blister solution?

Suzanne said...

you're my hero!

Anonymous said...

how! thats amazing! I can't imagine running 10 miles! You are incredible! When's your marathon? Do i get to come and watch? :)

Critchfield fam said...

Erin, you are my hero. You are unbelievable. I don't know that I could even walk 10 miles, lol. Didn't that make you feel so good! I am so impressed! So, are you training for something??

Lindsay said...

Wow, I am impressed! you are going to kick but in your Marathon. I need a bit of our motivation to get myself running.