
Really Funny

So I was working out this morning to my favorite Body Sculpt-guy Gilad:
(Unfortunately they weren't wearing those cool outfits...)
But, Emery always "does" it with me and gets the weights out for us. She was kind of lying down on the rug and said to me a few times, "You tired mom? You can come lay down with me." I told her thanks and that I would when I was done. The best part was when I was doing some really hard push-ups for the 10th time (maybe) and was kind of grunting and breathing hard, she said, "Mom, what is it? They're not tired on the TV."
Wow. Ouch. Yeah, just 'cause I'm not a size 0 and am not wearing spandex and I'm not in Hawaii...I don't think I would be tired either!
And then when it was over she said, "Yay! We did it!" I don't get where the WE came into that.


Kourtne said...

Haha! Emery is so cute.

Becky Martineau said...

haha, that's hilarious! Her part was all the moral support she was giving you.

BTW, congrats on the .5 marathon - you are so awesome! did you ever figure out what was causing the blister and hole in your shoe?

Doyle Family said...

Aren't kids great!

ABrunettesLife said...

Gilad is never tired. No fair. Nothing like you're own kids to make you feel good about yourself aye?

Megan said...

Thats hillarious. Its un to see how kids interpret events.

erica said...

she's awesome!

Alan Anderson said...

That is so cute - yeah why were you tired? I love kids and their honesty - most of the time - hee!hee!


Lolo said...

Me and my sisters love Gilad... His workouts are super HARD. Good work for setting such a good example for Emery:)

Morgan said...

It would understandable if you decided you didn't like that guy, called him a bad name, and maybe even yell at him during your workout! ...of course, not in front of the girls. ;-)