
Yes, I'm still in "One piece"

Just wanted to give an update: I'm still in "one piece" as my wonderful, witty and wise grandma put it the other day. I've progressively gotten more uncomfortable and when I woke early this morning at 5:55 to go to the bathroom I actually counted on my fingers how many more days I'd have to sleep pregnant...the verdict...only 5 at the most. On Thursday, Kevin got to come to the doctor with me finally - I thought it would be good for him to meet Dr. Barney before I delivered. We got to see Jane for a split second on the ultrasound machine because the Doc wanted to make sure she was head-down. (Her little bottom was the deceiving body part in my upper region.) All is well except that my blood preasure was up a bit...not bad though. Mine is usually 110/60 or so and it was 130/70 this time. Thank goodness though, because that's what allowed me to get a scehduled time for induction this Thursday morning. Early morning. 5:30. But I'll be happy to do it if she doesn't come before then. If she does wait till Thursday, she'll have a good, even birthday: 6/12/08. I love even numbers. I think the next post will probably include new baby pictures! I can't believe it!


Lindsay said...

This is so exciting. Thanks for the update, I have been wondering how you are doing. If you need me for anything please don't hesitate, I'm happy to help. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations in advance! I'm glad that Jane is in position and ready to go.

Rachael said...

Hey it Rachael Van Meter, I am home temperaly from my mission. I got really sick, I have been home for 4 weeks and hope to be back on the mission in 2 weeks. I am felling a lot better. please e-mail me so we can catch up ocmsister@yahoo.com

J said...

You're my hero. Jane's room is adorable! Yay!.