
Emery's Amazing Alphabet Power

I named this post after a cute little show on PBS that Emery watches while I shower in the morning...Super Why! We think she knows what she knows because of the show. Story behind the video: My sister McKenzie and I were making cookies in the kitchen when Emery came up to McKenzie with a magnetic letter from the fridge. Kenzie asked her what letter she was holding and she said, "O". I turned around really fast to check what she had in her hand, and sure enough, it was the letter "O". So, we got all the magnets out and started to ask her what they all were. She knew about 7 or 8 letters and we realized from the ones she knew, she could spell her name! We are so proud of her, even if it wasn't us who taught her - I'm just glad that of the shows she watches, some of them actually teach her something. Enjoy!


Lindsay said...

Great Job Emery, at this rate you will be able to read to Your little sister!

Critchfield fam said...

OH my gosh... so cute! I miss your sweet little girl. I love the nickname Em. She's a smarty... just like her parents! Good luck with labor!!