

I'm the first to say I'm grateful for insurance, but isn't their billing completely confusing? And I have a college degree! Since we had Jane we have had a myriad of bills sent to our house (I'm sure many of you can relate) that say we owe WAY more than we ever thought we'd have to pay. I have spoken to 4 different people today about 4 different bills and we only really had to pay one of them. I think that the snail-mail system, the insurance claims department, and the doctor's offices need to get on the same page! This is sooooo frustrating!!! I hate the feeling of owing money...

Anyone else in the same boat, or am I really as dumb as I'm feeling right now?


Megan said...

Since we moved to Arizona we have recieved 5 "statements" for Kate's birth. That I know were paid/taken care of. So I hate it too. Don't you love when they itemize out all the procedures and you go what is this?

Jade said...

We were still getting bills when Nelly was 9 months old. I contested all of them and sure enough, we didn't have to pay them. I was pretty bugged myself.

Margaret said...

Yep, been there. Even when we had Adam on Medicaid, they still billed us outrageous amounts for the c-sec. We of course didn't need to pay them, but you're right, it does freak you out!
My favorite was when we did owe some money for Adam's shots, so I called the office to pay over the phone. They said their billing wouldn't be up-to-date for several more weeks and to wait until I got my second bill. I was literally trying to pay them and they said no! :D

Lindsay said...

Remember my $100,000 baby? We are still working those out and he's is 7 months old now. I feel for you. My advice is ask the billing people what they can do to help you bring the amount balance down. Some of them will give you a 10-20% discount if you pay the entire bill up front and others will give you other cool deals. My mother-in-law gave me this advice and it has made a world of a difference. Let me know how it goes. And let's try to get together again.