
Tales from the Wife of a Second Counselor

On October 12, Kevin was sustained and set apart as the Second Counselor in our ward's bishopric. When we were both called into the Stake, we knew it had to be something serious:) My father-in-law told us that if they want to talk to the wife first, you know it's going to be a big calling. And I was called in first! We had a lengthy discussion with the Stake President and His first counselor about serving in the Lord's kingdom and were promised great blessings if we were obedient. So, on the 12th we had a combined meeting with the three wards who meet in our building and they combined our wards down to two and put Kevin in as 2nd Counselor of our ward. After the meeting, Kevin was ordained a High Priest and then set apart. President Signs, who set him apart gave him some really neat blessings and promises and even blessed me that I would never feel alone. I felt the spirit so strongly when he said that and I knew that our little family would be watched over in Kevin's absence. It has only been a week and a half and I have felt so close to the Lord. I know he is watching over our family. I feel at peace and comforted to know that Kevin's calling has come from Him. I am so blessed to be married to such a willing and able man. I love Kevin's humility and willingness to be obedient.

Now for the first "Tale"...
Last Sunday was our first week as a new ward and there were 240 people in sacrament meeting and our primary doubled! (Yes, we were hurting for primary kids, so it's OK:) That meant that my Sunbeam class had 8 kids (possibly 10). I was prepared to teach and was excited to meet our new kids. I just didn't really prepare for how crazy it was going to be! For the past few weeks, Emery has gotten really sad in Nursery and has had to go to Kevin. I hoped that she would do o.k. but there was no telling. Because of Kevin's responsibilities during church as a Bishopric member, I take Jane to primary with me and just pray that Emery will stay in Nursery. Well, she was doing o.k. till she ran into the corner of a table and got too upset to stay. So it ended up that there were 8 sunbeams, two teachers, both teacher's nursery-age girls and Jane in a maybe 12 square-foot room. It was almost impossible to sustain order and almost all the kids were upset or crying by the end...except Jane- she fell asleep luckily, as I thought I was going to have to leave in the middle of my lesson to feed her. I left feeling very haggard and tired, but very happy. The Lord really helped me feel that I did do my best and I look forward to new adventures!:) Stay tuned!


Kirstin said...

Wow, Erin. Way to go! Those are the stories you'll remember for talks later on. Especially when you get called to the General Primary Presidency or another of those callings. Thanks goodness for the priesthood and blessings to comfort us in those stressful times.

Emily G said...

Hahaha, I love the "possibly ten"....it made me feel like there were so many little munchkins bouncing all over the place that you couldn't make a decent head count. You're in my prayers, lady! What a great blessing for your little family.

Dawn said...

Wow, your ward must have a lot of young people. Good luck with the new calling and in primary. It will get better, especially when Jane goes to nursery. Your new background is cute.

Lindsay said...

Wow, you guys have a lot on your plate. you have such a great attitude about it all. I am going to have to have Ryan read your post because sometimes we feel overwhelmed with me being in Nursery and him taking Micah for the whole block.

erica said...

wish I lived closer to you guys. way to have great perspective and a good attitude!

Julie said...

Go Erin! You are amazing!