
The Binky Conflict

Emery loves her Binky.

And she always has...At about 15 months we took it away during the day. She would only get it for naps and bedtime. She's a champ at taking them out when she wakes up and helps me put them away in the top drawer of her dresser. At 18 months she no longer took it to church (thanks to nursery) or in the car. Occasionally when she's sick or goes on long car rides, we'll give it to her for her comfort and for our sanity. So, she was sick two weeks ago AND we went on a long car ride so she got used to having her Binky again...big mistake. With her ever-increasing tantrums, she thinks her Binky is the only thing in the universe that can console her. Last night she had a fit because she had to come in for dinner and cried all through it and the clean-up. Despite her many attempts at the little pouty "please" and dragging us to the dresser drawer, we didn't give in. I felt triumphant!

I thank the Binky for many sleep-ful nights and cry-less babies, but how old is too old? I'm determined that by the time she's two she'll be rid of the ugly habit...wish me luck!


Megan said...

I am beginning to not like the fact that Kate is a thumbsucker because you cannot lock her thumb in a drawer :). Best of luck - every day I don't give into the whinny demands I feel like a success. But now that he talks better he will ask for the same thing a million times. We've taken to putting him in time out if he asks more than twice after we have already told him no.

shhluke said...

Good for you Erin! I don't have any good advice accept to remember you're the mom and you're the one in charge. It's amazing how much I forget that.