
HOUSE and New Pics

First of all, we think we've found our house! Many of you know we've been house hunting in the Salt Lake Valley lately. This is the house we've made an offer on and hopefully everything will be under way by the end of the week. It is in a cute little neighborhood in south-west Kearns. (About 10 minutes from Jordan Landing and only 8 miles from Kevin's work.) We are really excited about it. Here is a link to Utah Real Estate.com to view more photos if you're interested. http://utahrealestate.com/776702 If it doesn't work, go to utahrealestate.com and enter this MLS#: 776702. What I'm REALLY excited about that the pictures don't show are the two bonus rooms off the family room. See the two windows below the upper level? The window next to the garage is a nice size laundry room and the window on the left is a play room! YAY! It also has 2 bedrooms and a bath in the basement that have been framed to be finished. The master bedroom really is pretty big and has its own bathroom and huge walk-in closet. We are thrilled and even think the timing will work out so that we can move-in straight from Wymount! Our move-out date is April 25...yes, that is the day Kevin graduates...I don't know what we were thinking! Oh, well! We are excited for our new beginnings, but will be sad to leave good friends and family in Provo. I know you've seen similar pictures like this before, but just wanted to document that Emery reads her Book of Mormon to her doll almost daily...pretty darn cute!

This is my little "paparazzi" girl. We were on our way out to get the mail and it was pretty cold, so I thought she should wear her big coat. She insisted on having the hat on, then picked up her sunglasses that were laying in the hall and put them on. I thought she looked like a movie star who didn't want anyone to notice her. Quite the diva sometimes, I'm afraid!:)
This is Emery coloring in her little nook under the shelves in our little apartment. Try to ignore the "stuff"! She loves to color and always picks up a crayon and hands it to me while making a snorting sound...I have to draw a pig before she's happy:)


Lolo said...

What cute pictures... and how exciting on the house. I hope you get it! Congrats too.

erica said...

it's a beautiful house! I looked at the MLS and the rooms are very nice and it has a great backyard! I hope it works out! - Erica

Sharon said...

How exciting to be moving on to a house! What a great step!