

I just had to announce that Emery finally calls me "Momma". Until just a couple days ago I was "Dah" along with anything she didn't know the name of. For a long time she has called Kevin "Dadda" - all I wanted for my birthday was for her to call me mom - o.k., so she was a couple weeks late, but it finally happened! I love it!!!:)


Stacey, Allyn and Kaleb said...

YEAH ERIN! I am glad to hear you finally got your wish! :) Also, I am sorry I missed your b-day. I thought about it a few weeks before and then it just slipped my mind. So, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! And...CONGRATS on the house! I think it will be great. Let us know if we can help you move. Can't wait to see it!

Love ya,

Sharon said...

Oh yea! What a great day! That's just got to be one of the best sounds ever heard!