
The "Show" Conflict

Thanks to DI, I found some great $1 videos for Emery to watch - one version of the many "Elmo's World"s and a great Disneyland Sing Along. A mistake? I can't decide. They do provide a great "babysitter" when I need to shower or make dinner, but I often feel guilty. I try to only let her see one a day, including the PBS specials: Curious George, Clifford and Super Why. Because the videos are VHS, we took them with us last week to West Jordan to transfer them to DVD using my in-laws new DVD burner-thing. Unfortunately, we neglected to pack them back to Provo. Fortunately, along with her Binky, her "shows" are another thing that console her when she's sad. Unfortunately, the only thing that constitutes a "show" to her are these two videos and the TV shows aforementioned. I got some new videos at DI a couple weeks ago frankly because I was tired of the only two she watches. Nope, they wouldn't take. I even tried The Backyardagans and Wonder Pets with my in-laws cable channels...nothing. It's not like I'm trying to make her watch TV, but if she is going to for just a little while every day, isn't variety good??? She even hands me the remote and says, "show". She won't even say MOM!!! It's then when I feel like a terrible mother...but I always feel better after I've showered and gotten ready for the day, even if it meant she had to watch a "show" for it to happen.


Sharon said...

Ya' know, a little won't hurt, I'm sure, and I know how much better I feel after showering...I say it's totally legitimate! And, let's just say, "Hooray for DI!"
Oh, and congrats on making it to the two-digit numbers!

Megan said...

I'm not sure if their is a light at the end of the tunnel - Jack is still having us sing jingle bells!

Jack insists on Scooby-Doo. I had "leaving him with my mother for a week while we went to Tucson guilt," so I bought him a present. Since his third birthday he asks me a couple times a week for a present. I got him the first season of the new series (on clearance of course!)

Oh, and I'm going to miss the DI.