
Mother's Day

Kevin is a wonderful husband. He is so understanding and supportive. I've been wanting a sewing machine for a long time and with all the other things we "need" for the house right now, all I asked for for Mother's Day was a little bit of money put away to get a sewing machine some day. A couple days before Mother's Day a package arrived from Proflowers.com with a beautiful Bonzai-Azalea plant (see post below for picture). I thought that was a perfect gift for our new home. It's time I start taking care of real plants. :) I didn't expect anything else but breakfast on Sunday morning, but when I went down to the family room there was a large bump of something underneath a blanket...and low and behold...a sewing machine!!!!! What a sweet husband. He works so hard for our family and always does things to make us happy. Emery and I went to JoAnn's yesterday to buy some thread to finish her dress I started at my mom's last week. I spent the afternoon while she slept reading my sewing machine manual and putting white and yellow thread on bobbins. Then I got to finishing her dress without too much stress or trauma. I'm still slow and learning, but it is sooooo fun to work on something and have a final project to show for it. Here's the dress:

I found the material and ribbon at Wal-mart. Ended up being an $8 dress - pretty good deal!


Lindsay said...

Wow, you did such a great job on that dress. I am learning to sew myself, I must say it takes a lot of patience and practice. Take care these last weeks of your pregnancy and let me know if you need anything.

Kourtne said...

YEAH! What a cute dress. You are so amazing and getting things done. I know I tell you this like everyday, but you amaze me all the time. Someday I'll get me done like you.

Kirstin said...

Cute Dress! Isn't it fun to work hard on something that turns out that nice? I love it. I wish you much more happiness with your wonderful new sewing machine. Maybe you can make matching clothes for your kids (when they're both here).

Lolo said...

What a cute house! I am happy for you. How's the pregnancy going? You can sew? I am jealous... but in a good way:) The dress is adorable.

J said...

1) I feel like your count down to the baby is going so fast! 2) Wahoooooooo for sewing machines 3) I should call you. Did Rachel write you?

J said...

1) I feel like your count down to the baby is going so fast! 2) Wahoooooooo for sewing machines 3) I should call you. Did Rachel write you?

Unknown said...

Only 18 days to go?! Where does the time go? My countdown says 53...so I am a bit behind you! Good luck and let me know what I can do to help!