We are doing well and anxiously awaiting baby boy in February
I am so excited. In just a month I get to sing with a beautiful Relief Society choir for the General RS Meeting at the end of September. At each rehearsal we not only sing a whole bunch and laugh a whole bunch, we get edified with inspirational words of wisdom by our choir director, Sister Jolley. Last week teary-eyed she said, “Oh, you sisters with young kids -- I would give ANYTHING to have my children little again.” and then to make the mood a little lighter said, “And then they’d still do what I tell them to do!” It was funny, but the first part really hit me. I have heard so many women with older kids tell me, “Enjoy it now, ‘cause they don’t stay little forever!” Usually I’ve thought to myself, “Thank goodness! If I could just get Jane to stop emptying out all her drawers at naptime and if Emery would just chew her meat and swallow it!!!??? Man!” But I’ve had enough people say that that I really have thought a lot lately about how to “enjoy” the moment and not let it go too fast, ‘cause I know it will whether I’m enjoying it or not.
So this article gave me a different perspective. The author of it is a mom of 5 kids 4 and under (two sets of twins!) and she seems like one of those “wonderwomen” we all kill ourselves to become…but I’m sure she has her moments like the rest of us, right? She suggested writing down small, simple moments that will help us enjoy the moment and remember the sweet joys of motherhood. Here are a few things she wrote about her kids:
“While washing Sami’s hands, I noticed her dented knuckles, the pudgy softness. The way she lets me slap her paws together - blowing suds onto our faces and shirts. I wondered how long her hands will keep that three-year old look, how long she’ll let me hold them under warm water, my body bent over hers, before she wants to do it herself.”
“I smelled Eliza’s hair at bedtime. The scent of gritty playground. Wind and dirt all tangled up in fraying ringlets. I felt the heat rise from her body as I tucked my arms around her and sang. She snuggled into her favorite blanket and quickly fell asleep. I kissed her cheek, wishing she could know how much I loved her in that instant. My oldest. My first.”
Two very familiar moments for me. I’m not as good a writer as she, but I’m REALLY good at making lists. So I just started the list, “What we Love and want to Remember” and it’s taped to my kitchen wall. Hopefully, this will help me notice the tender moments I want to enjoy and remember among the eating battles and messy rooms.
Here are a few happy moments as of late…
Emery’s birthday: I want to remember those fat cheeks:)…
…and perfect joy…
…and how old she looks at 4!
And something about little Jane just makes me want to eat her up!
(This was her idea!)And thank goodness for video – it helps me remember a lot!
This is the lovely “banerina” (how Em says it) before her recital last month. Her studio put on the ballet “Alice in Wonderland” and it was really fun to watch. Emery was an oyster – and true to form (remember the Disney cartoon?) was eaten in the end by the oyster farmer. It may sound a little gruesome, but you know ballets - you only catch certain things – and Emery didn’t catch that. Thank goodness. She was the youngest in her group and did a really nice job. We may be biased, but she’s definitely a natural!
I had to stop doing the dishes and write this now. Just some new thoughts I’ve been feeling and thinking…
We had the opportunity to attend the wedding of my 30 year old cousin (the “30” is significant, or else I wouldn’t put it in). The great girl he married (also 30-ish) had a table full of past roommates and good friends at their wedding dinner – most of them unmarried. As they introduced this rather classy table, I was hit with a little jealousy. “Janet is a personal trainer, Barbara teaches elementary school in DC, Kathy works at a very prestigious law firm, Nancy works for the CIA and Margaret is a rocket scientist for NASA.” (OK, so honestly I can only remember that the first two are real, but you get the picture.) I was just in awe of their accomplishments and fame. I wanted what they had…till I remembered that what I have is all they want. It was very humbling and brought me back to reality.
I love that my DVR is FULL of “Little Einstein's” and “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”. I love that my dishwasher is FULL of Ikea plastic-wear. I love that every surface in my home is FULL of sticky finger prints. I love that my days are FULL of entertaining phrases and hilarious bouts of curiosity (like Jane bringing me a dead fly between her two little fingers – she was so proud of herself!!:) I love that my extra room is FULL of good kids books and lots and lots of used toys. I love that without these two
in my life, no matter how successful I might be, my life would definitely not be FULL.
For lack of a better phrase, I am “seriously so blessed!”
So, I’ve been slacking the blogging world lately. I have had so many other things on my mind and honey-do’s to get finished, my blogs have gone by the way side. AND I lost my camera and finally caved and bought a new one. I have some great pictures to add and soon will…but for now…
I wanted to invite all my talented family and friends to join me in “beefing-up” the craft blog I started: Journal of a Craft Addict. I have a million ideas, as I’m sure you all do, but not the time to do them, let alone blog about them (and that takes time, unfortunately). SO…if we could get a group of say 6-8 of us and we each were willing to post a new project once every other month, we could have a really cool “How-To” blog on everything from sewing, to painting, to home improvement projects, etc. If we had 8, there could be a new project posted every week! I just think it would be great to share each other’s ideas and have a place to keep track of everything we do. AND I KNOW YOU DO “STUFF” so don’t consider yourself counted out…EVERYONE should think about it! I think I’d change the blog to Journal of Some Craft Addicts…
Let me know if anyone’s interested. I think it would be a really fun way to keep us motivated in getting our projects done! And to share them with all of our friends!
Here’s the latest project I posted:
I realized this morning when Emery and Jane both woke up saying Mom/Mommy about 20 times a minute that the word Mom/Mommy HAS TO BE the most popular word in the English language, and probably in every other language for that matter. “Mom” this, “Mom” that… I hope I’m not the * only one that gets tired of it. Then I discovered that “what” is probably the second most popular word because of all those moms out there that answer to the all-too popular call. It can’t be an equal * word to “Mom” because I don’t always answer right away, probably contributing to the amount of times “Mom” is spoken. I realize that I’m needed and am the only adult in the house who can open a Kraft Singles or even pour some apple juice, but * sometimes I get tired *of it. “Call me something else!!!!” I say, then quickly remember my mom saying the same thing!
I really shouldn’t complain, and I really don’t mean to. It is nice to feel needed and used. :) I know this is a little late for mother’s day, but I wanted to leave with the words from a little book I wrote to my Mom the Mother’s Day after I had Emery. I’m sure most of you can relate…
The content of this little book is long over due.
You’re getting it now, not later.
I haven’t given you enough credit all these years.
I have since come to realize all the little and BIG things you did for me (and in many cases still do)
I haven’t thanked you enough for all the nights you stayed up to feed, change and rock me.
You were there to show me how to do those things for my own daughter. *
I didn’t know how much time you spent chasing me around and cleaning up after my messes.
You’re always there to listen to my woes of the same nature
I didn’t realize how valuable all your songs and poems would be.
My children love them as do all who hear me share them and say, “Where did you learn that” And I get to say, “My Mom!”
I didn’t think it made a difference whether where you lived was a house or a home.
You made our house a home and gave me the tools to try to do the same for my family.
I couldn’t understand how much a mother could love their child until I had my own.
I have always felt that unconditional love from you.
this little tale * cannot * convey all that I feel
I know you love me anyway, especially in my silly attempt to express how much I love and appreciate all you have done and are to me. * Really. *****
Writing this made me realize that * I probably said mom a million times before my munchkins did…it’s just my turn to hear it and respond. I really enjoy being a mother and couldn’t replace the love and blessings I receive from trying to be a good one. I love my girls so much and am grateful* for their patience with me. Thanks to all you mothers out there! Hope you had a very Happy Mother’s Day!
* This represents how many times Emery or Jane said “mom” while I was typing this……. :)
Time is a funny thing. Bright and early in the morning (8 am) you feel as though you should Carpe Diem (I like to say carp the diem…it’s funnier) and you think you have plenty of time to do all those things you should and want to do. Then your children get up with you…BUT they are adorable and fun and make you smile, so it’s ok.
It has been 3 long months since I’ve sat down to this blog. Again, time is a funny thing and most of it lately has been taken by the depths of my newly-finished craft room for bag/owl/headband/banner making. It has been a blast, but I have to admit, the time, I’m afraid was not ALL well-spent. I’m worried my family will never forgive me for all the time I wasn’t with them. So I’m turning a new leaf…but that’s another post… This past weekend I got to sell my “goods” and the forever wonderful Beehive Bazaar. (If you remember this post, you’ll understand my excitement.) I ended up being pretty successful, but all the time and materials it took to get ready is utterly exhausting to think about. I am finally blogging ‘cause that crazy boutique is over – and I feel like my life can be a little more normal. I’m not regretting I did it – it was a huge goal I set for myself to be a part of it and finally got to do it! It really was great fun.
Time is still funny because it is highly misunderstood by a 3 year old, who just now in my ear said, “You’re taking too long!”
So, now I guess I’m done. For now…maybe I’ll find some time again soon…if there is some extra under the couch cushions…maybe.
Jane discovered a new place to play – I’m sure you can imagine how gracefully she gets in and out…need to catch it on tape sometime!
These pictures are from my last Boutique last Friday – It was my best one yet! There were so many fun items – I was glad I made a little money so I could justify my few little purchases :)
I am thrilled to be a part of this “All Handmade” art and gift show in Sugar House next weekend. Come for some unique gifts and ideas! Click the image below to see it bigger,
It’s time to be shocked – I’m actually posting something of worth (at least I think it’s worthy:) Here’s a quick picture log of our Holidays. Hope yours were great too!
Emery as Mary in the Nativity at my parents’ house. It was amazing how still she sat for the whole time…she loved it!
You’re probably wondering why her hair is wet…and why Jane is naked in the next picture… We found all three of the cousins playing in the toilet upstairs so we stuck them all in the bathtub. They had a great time and played hard. I got Jane out and put her in her new Christmas Eve jammies, got Emery out and in hers, unplugged the tub water, turned around to pick up the towels and SPLASH! There went Jane in the 1 inch of remaining bath water. UGH – no new jammies on Christmas morning this year for her!:)
The girls and Santa – (I think Kevin secretly wanted to sit on his lap too:)
Me and the girls with clothes from their Grandma Klea
This is Emery on Christmas morning after she opened a new book of Princess stories from Santa…notice all the presents still to open? It took 5 minutes before we could get her to stop reading and open some more…
AND for NEW YEAR’S EVE we decided to insulate the living room along with the attic. I’m sure the Christmas tree will be so warm and cozy now…
We had a little accident with the insulation blower machine. The pipe came apart in the Living Room and blew pink fiber glass insulation all over! It was a fast and easy way to get a flocked tree:) We spent a few hours cleaning and vacuuming every ornament and stem of the tree.
The happy part: We have a more insulated attic (tax rebates and lower heat bill will more than pay for our efforts) and we got In-n-Out to reward our hard work:)
This was our Lundgreen Family How to Host a Murder Party for New Year’s Eve. Everyone got all into costume and we had a blast! Darn that John Silver --- he did it!!:)